Posts Tagged "Saskatchewan"

The Lottery by Beth Goobie

Posted by on Sep 10, 2014 in Book Reviews, Saskatchewan | 2 comments

Summary: Every year at Saskatoon Collegiate, a lottery takes place to choose a victim and servant for Shadow. Whoever is chosen is treated as a pariah at school even by their friends and forced to run errands distributing the Shadow’s orders to the rest of the student body. When Sal’s name comes up, she’s already got her own problems. Her father killed himself by running his car into a tree when Sal was with him, and her mom is a detached parent who is having trouble connecting with her children through her grief. As Sal is immersed in Shadow and loses her friends, she must...

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Tribes by Arthur Slade

Posted by on Sep 9, 2014 in Book Reviews, Saskatchewan | 0 comments

Summary: Following the death of his father in a foreign country where he was working as an anthropologist, Percy takes on the eyes of his father and begins to see his fellow high school students from an anthropological perspective. His unique view is shared by his friend Elissa but takes on a maniacal edge as the year anniversary of his best friend’s suicide passes right before they are set to graduate. No longer able to connect with people on a human level, Percy’s disconnection has him frantically writing papers to chronicle his observations and passing up opportunities for...

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The Hunchback Assignments by Arthur Slade

Posted by on Sep 8, 2014 in Book Reviews, Saskatchewan | 0 comments

Summary: Sold to gypsies as a baby, Modo is rescued from his life as an attraction in a freak show by Mr. Socrates. With a hump on his back and a disfigured face, Modo’s looks are shocking to others, but he possesses a special ability to transform his appearance for brief periods of time. Trained from childhood with strength and stealth skills, Modo finds himself abandoned in London by Mr. Socrates after a lifetime of seclusion to prove himself. When a girl named Octavia comes into Modo’s life, they stumbleĀ upon the Clockwork Guild’s nefarious efforts to create a mind...

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Lost For Words by Alice Kuipers

Posted by on Sep 7, 2014 in Book Reviews, Saskatchewan | 0 comments

Summary: Dealing with the aftermath of her sister Emily’s death in a terrorist attack in London, England, Sophie is overcome with sorrow, grief, and some guilt. She’s seeing a therapist she can’t talk to, distancing herself from her former friends and her mother and having panic attacks. Writing in a journal given to her by her therapist helps, but it takes a long time before Sophie can face the painful memories of that fateful day and start to move past them. Thankfully she has some friends old and new who won’t give up on her, giving Sophie the support she needs to...

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The Death of Us by Alice Kuipers

Posted by on Sep 6, 2014 in Book Reviews, Saskatchewan | 0 comments

Summary: When a car accident leaves the lives of best friends Callie and Ivy in jeopardy, Kurt and his friend Xander rush to the hospital to find out their fates. As the background of the story behind the accident slowly unravels from three different perspectives, the complicated nature of Callie and Ivy’s friendship reveals itself. Callie seems to be the only one who is happy about Ivy’s return to town, but their connection causes problems with Callie’s parents as her mom forbids Callie to see her. Drawn to Ivy’s electric nature, Callie ventures down a road of...

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