Ann and Seamus by Kevin Major, illustrated by David Blackwood
Summary: Based on a true story from 1828, seventeen year-old Ann Harvey lives with her parents and her numerous brothers on the Isle aux Morts, Newfoundland. Her father is a cod fisherman and their lives revolve around fishing season until one day there is a shipwreck on their shores. As everyone focuses on saving the ship’s passengers, a subtle romance develops between Ann and Seamus, one of the survivors. Number of Pages: 108 Age Range: 13-15 Review: David Blackwood’s illustrations are haunting and beautiful with a soft quality about them, perfectly complimenting Kevin...
Read MoreHold Fast by Kevin Major
Summary: When their parents die in a car crash caused by a drunk driver, brothers Michael and Brent are split up among their relatives. While Brent gets to stay in Marten with his aunt and grandfather, Michael is sent to St. Albert to live with his other aunt and uncle and his two cousins. Michael soon builds a bond with his cousin Curtis, but Michael’s uncle becomes increasingly controlling and aggressive making Michael’s home life miserable. Events at school lead to Michael getting a two-week expulsion, and his uncle’s reaction is enough to inspire Michael and Curtis to...
Read MoreThirty-Six Exposures by Kevin Major
Summary: Lorne’s last year of high school is full of challenges. There’s the teacher he keeps butting heads with, the girlfriend who won’t sleep with him, and the best friend who’s having serious problems of his own. His feelings of hopelessness are somewhat tempered by his two loves – photography and poetry – both of which help him express himself and his observations of Newfoundland. Learning a family secret helps Lorne change his attitude toward some things, but a graduation party with a tragic ending is what ultimately fosters his will to live. Number...
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