The Glory Wind by Valerie Sherrard
Summary: Reflecting on his unexpected friendship with an animated girl named Gracie, Luke explores his life between the ages of eleven and thirteen living in 1940s Junction, Manitoba. A small town with short-sighted ‘Christian’ views, townspeople start gossiping when they find out Gracie was born out of wedlock, and that her mother may be a prostitute. Unfortunately gossip turns to action and Gracie is left to feel the brunt of their judgement at school, facing ostracism by everyone except for Luke and a beloved teacher, Miss Prutko. When Miss Prutko is fired, things get worse,...
Read MoreEyes of a Stalker by Valerie Sherrard
Summary: Shelby Belgarden is an average high school student, besides the fact that she has solved a few mysteries in the past. But when a lily that isn’t from her boyfriend, Greg, is delivered to her, it sets in motion a sequence of events that change her overall perspective on life. Someone is stalking Shelby, and he is willing to hurt the people she loves to get to her. Shelby and her parents seek help from the police, but until the stalker is caught, everyone must live with the uncertainty of what he will do next. Number of Pages: 222 Age Range: 13-15 Review: Eyes of a Stalker by...
Read MoreCounting Back From Nine by Valerie Sherrard
Summary: Laren’s choice to start a relationship with her friend’s ex-boyfriend, Scott, makes all of her friendships past tense when her friends find out. The loss continues when Laren’s father dies as a result of a car accident, and a schoolmate reveals Laren’s father was not alone in the car. Suddenly Laren feels everything she knew about her father is in question, and she wonders whether he ever really loved her. Counselling helps her realise that people are not all good or all bad, and Laren decides she will not be her father’s daughter in her own...
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