Posts Tagged "13-14"

Cowboys Don’t Cry by Marilyn Halvorson

Posted by on Oct 6, 2014 in Alberta, Book Reviews | 0 comments

Summary: A terrible car accident leaves Shane without a mother from the age of nine, and in the hands of a father who drinks to forget. As bull rider and rodeo clown, Shane’s father has them following the rodeos across the Prairies in the United States and Canada, but when Shane’s grandfather dies and leaves him a piece of land in Alberta, Shane and his father finally have a place to put down roots. Untangling the feelings and pain of the past is going to take longer than the four years that have already passed; unfortunately no healing can begin until someone starts talking....

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Blaine’s Way by Monica Hughes

Posted by on Sep 29, 2014 in Alberta, Book Reviews | 0 comments

Summary: Asked to recount the experiences of his childhood on tape for the sake of prosperity and his new grandson, Blaine begins his story from when his parents lost their farm. Progressing onward from when he was six years old, he tells of moving in with his grandparents and his mother leaving the farm, hoping to pursue her dreams in Toronto. Blaine has his own dreams of getting out into the world, and when World War II comes along he doctors his birth certificate and signs up expecting adventure. What he does get is more than he bargained for, and a new appreciation for life on the farm....

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The Country of Wolves by Neil Christopher and Ramon Perez

Posted by on Aug 30, 2014 in Book Reviews, Nunavut | 0 comments

Summary: Caught on an ice floe while hunting during the spring thaw, two brothers find themselves on a long journey, crossing over into the country of wolves. Missing their families, the brothers only encounter tragedy among the wolves, but a rapid escape by the elder brother and taking down the leader of the pack put him on his way to returning to his wife. Travelling for days, he finally makes it back to her in one piece. Unfortunately, all is not as it seems. Number of Pages: 83 Age Range: 13-14 Review: A haunting story about two brothers who are taken far from home while out hunting, The...

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Jump Cut by Ted Staunton

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Book Reviews, Ontario | 0 comments

Summary: At the reading of his grandfather’s will, Spencer is only half listening. But later when he gets his assignment to get a kiss on the cheek from former film bombshell Gloria Lorraine (GL), he feels cheated. While his cousins are headed to foreign countries and his brother Bunny is getting a tattoo, Spencer is headed to Buffalo, New York to film himself getting kissed by a ninety year-old woman. Expecting a dull experience, things quickly take a turn when GL kidnaps him in a stolen car with a person in the trunk and her granddaughter, AmberLea, sprung unwillingly fromĀ a house...

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The Courtesan’s Daughter by Priscilla Galloway

Posted by on Aug 11, 2014 in Book Reviews, Ontario | 0 comments

Summary: Thirteen year-old Phano has had a complicated life. With a step-mother who is a Courtesan and a father who has mismanaged the money of relatives and friends, it seems her hopes of marrying well are slim. When Phano and her step-mother finally escape the clutches of Phrynion who claims to own them both, a journey begins that will see Phano in love with a man who is shortly to become the most powerful man in Greece. But will her claims to Athenian citizenship hold up under scruntiny Phrynion keeps raising? In a city facing likely invasion, the favour of the gods is not something to...

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